How do I remove hard water stains from vintage glasses?
We have vintage wine glasses that have hazy water stains. Does anyone know how to clean cloudy wine glasses?
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Hi Elva, I would soak them in white vinegar over night. Its the only thing I've found to work on my water glasses with our hard water.
This shows a baking soda trick:
White vinegar soak with a bit of blue dawn. Rinse and wipe with microfiber cloth. If you wash in the dishwasher, add a drop of blue dawn to your detergent compartment before running a wash cycle.
Soak them in vinegar.
Soak them in vinegar. If that doesn't work then the cloudiness is permanent and not hard water stains. If the were washed in a dishwasher they could have been etched.
Hi! I have used denture tablets from the dollar store. Unless they are permanently etched, they come out sparkling clean!
The degree to which the 'cloudiness' can be removed also depends on the quality of the glassware to begin with, how old it is, and, as William noted, if it has been washed in the dishwasher or not.
You can try one of these solutions. Lots of choices in the comments, too.
This article suggests just using vinegar - you have to expand the article to see it:
This may help
This may help:
I would try some CLR.. Full strength
Yes, vinegar.
If that doesn’t work, then try CLR with the windows open, because of the fumes.
If they’ve gold rims, do not use CLR.
Soak it in vinegar.
If the glasses are already etched, you cannot remove the stains. But try just using white vinegar in a dishwasher no soap. That will work wonders
Hope this helps😊
CLR would be my suggestion.
Hi Elva, hope this helps, You can remove the buildup caused by calcium and magnesium ions in hard water by swabbing the glass with acetone (nail polish remover), and then scrub gently with a mild detergent. Soaking the glasses in plain white distilled vinegar for 15 minutes is another effective home remedy.
Pure white vinegar can really be of great help. So if there are tough stains, you can spray white vinegar or soak a towel in it and utilize it to remove stains
Have you tried CLR? It might work
Easy to try vinegar first. Allow the glasses to sit in that over night and the next day rinse and check them repeat if needed.