DIY Mirrored ceiling medallion

We wanted a mirrored ceiling medallion and couldn't find one under $500 so we made our own for about $30 out of candle plates from Hobby Lobby. You can read about the room makeover here.
DIY mirrored ceiling medallion by Bella Tucker Decorative Finishes
Completed room makeover by Bella Tucker Decorative Finishes
DIY mirrored ceiling medallion application.
Bella Tucker Decorative Finishes
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 13 questions
  • Debbie Green Debbie Green on Jul 16, 2019

    Do you think these would stay on popcorn ceilings? I'm in an apartment and can't remove them...unfortunately.

  • Bonnie daley Bonnie daley on Apr 02, 2020

    I did not see on your log how to do the mirrow medalion.

    Can you tell me how you applied them to the celing?

  • Sailor Sailor on Jan 20, 2024

    Why is this on here if no instructions on how to apply or anything?

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  • Sylva Stone Sylva Stone on Aug 26, 2020

    Would love to try this out, unfortunately the instruction is not available

  • SpudBread SpudBread on Nov 10, 2020

    DO A GOOGLE SEARCH ON ALIEN TAPE-- it will STICK to anything and EVERYTHING-- I have used it -- it's unbelievable-- I have wood boards stuck to ceilings to make "fake" beams look-a-like. Use small piece of the tape on sealed surface-- it sticks like CEMENT--- do not try to remove-- it may pull off LAYERS OF PAINT down to the paper on the plaster board- It did for/on me!!!! ENJOYYYYYYY!!!!
