DIY Wood Coasters

4 Materials
30 Minutes

I created these fun little Wood Coasters by using leftover wood that I had from multiple projects, glue and some paint.

First I cut about about 10 wood pieces about 4 by 3 inches from leftover wood.The depth of the wood was about 3/4 inches.You could however choose any size to your liking this is the measurements I went with.You could even create a different shape such as a hexagon or circle.

To create the Wood Coaster apply Wood Glue to two of the wood pieces place them horizontally and then place on top the other three wood pieces.Do the exact same thing to the other one.This pattern almost reminds me of a pallet but on a mini versionPress it down firmly and let it dry before painting.

I chose Gold and Copper colors and painted the Coasters in an alternating manner.You could choose any color of your liking or even stenciling.If you want you can go ahead and seal it with a sealant or if you want a shinier finish you could also use Resin.And there you have it.Such a great way to reuse those wooden scrap and leftover pieces.What do you create with leftover wood pieces let me know down below.

Suggested materials:
  • Wood
  • Metallic paint
  • Gorilla glue
See all materials
Anam - Delicious And DIY
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