Free Pallets in Augusta Georgia!

Yair Spolter
by Yair Spolter
I know how much Hometalkers L-O-V-E pallets (almost as much as mason jars, right?), so when I came across this listing in Craigslist for free pallets in Georgia, I just had to share it with you all!
In case you're not sure what to do with them, here are some great ideas:
Jill's project wins the most-adorable-thing-ever-made-from-a-pallet award - hands down!
Susan's potting table - can you believe she made this from pallets?!
This has to be one of my favorite pallet projects - Gwen's porch swing.
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2 of 17 comments
  • Bob Bob on Feb 12, 2019

    I have the same problem here in Texas and that’s why I usually once a month take some sturdy rubber bands (hair tie might work too) and a cheap ziplock bag from the dollar tree store and I put straight white vinegar into the ziplock bag. I then take the rubber band and wrap it around the faucet/shower head and then take the ziplock bag around the spouts where all the mineral deposits are and fasten it with the rubber band making sure all of the spout is immersed in the vinegar. I leave this on overnight and next morning remove it and use a standard needle to open any remaining holes that might be covered. Usually just comes out as soon as you run some water. Even if not all loosens the first time if it’s really bad, if you do it once a month like I do, it eventually all loosens up. CRL will do this as well, but I have a septic tank and don’t want to kill the natural bacteria in it. Good luck!

  • Bob Bob on Feb 12, 2019

    Use an old cotton rag, BUT, here's the best advice I can give you, when staining pine be SURE and use Minwax Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner!!!!! Pine is terrible at taking stain evenly, you'll be discouraged if you skip the wood conditioner. Give it a good drink beforehand, let it sit 5-10 minutes, then stain. You'll probably put on 2 coats of stain, but it will be evenly distributed and will look better!
