Six Foot Fence Board Welcome Sign

3 Materials
30 Minutes
I think this might be one of my absolute favorite DIY home decor projects EVER. This DIY Welcome Front Porch fence Sign is so easy to make and I am so thrilled it’s something I can leave up all year.
I’m a big fan of welcoming front porches, and while we have a small front porch, I try to make the most of it! I want people to feel welcomed before they even enter my home, and I think this cute fence sign will help with that! This 72" welcome sign is easy so let me show you how you can make one for your porch.
What you'll need:
fence slots 3
1 2x3 board
couple brown cans of spray paint dark and light, and one black
white chalk paint
paint brush
Begin by putting your 3 fence slots together good side facing down. Then add your 2x3 at top, middle, and bottom as shown in the picture. Then nail to secure the boards. Once that is achieved your ready for next step
You'll need your brown cans of paint and randomly spray all over the boards both brown colors. We are doing this to help make them look aged.
No science to this, but let it dry completely before doing your next step.
This is where you'll need your chalk paint and brush. I used antique white. Just dry brush the white all over you boards.
I applied the white and you can see the browns pop through but not a ton. This give the appearance its old.
Next you'll need a stencil I just hand cut mine with an x-acto knife but you could use a cricket or silhouette machine to cut them 9" tall the width will depend on letter.
I placed the stencil on the boards and made sure they are straight.
Then I used my black spray paint and covered the letters. Give it just a minute to dry.
Then remove the stencil.
As you can see the sign is done and drying.
Here it is on my porch. It's very welcoming. I can move it or place it where ever I'd like.
I have made a ton of these and people love them as gifts they sell well and you can even do them in any color or words you like. You can see in the far back you could use the flat top instead of the dog ear top if you like. So have fun with it. Bring out your own personality its your home décor.
Suggested materials:
  • Fence boards   (Lowe’s)
  • Nails   (Lowe’s)
  • Paint   (Lowe’s)
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