Faux Painted Barn/shed Door for Closet

by Victoria
1 Material
1 Hour
I wanted a barn door but the walls here, double wide, won't support the weight. I decided this morning to paint one on my hollow core closet door. I am not a painter but I love to play. I grabbed some scrap wood to estimate the width of the boards and drew the lines on with a sharpie. I shaded in the lines and dirt spots with the sharpie. I then used gray paint to add dimension to these spots. Did a light white wash and then an off white wash over the top. The cross piece is crooked because I didn't measure and I was painting on my kitchen counter. Oh well I think an old door would be crooked too.

Before. The ugly hollow core door. First step was TSP, two coats of primer and two coats of white.
Drew in the lines with a sharpie, added shading with gray paint.
I used a white wash and then a dry wash of off white paint. When the brush was dry I swirled it a bit and added a few knot holes.
Up! Hanging a door by myself was the hardest part...
Suggested materials:
  • Leftover paints, sharpie, straight rule (I used a piece of wood)
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2 of 7 comments
  • DP DP on Jul 05, 2017

    Very nice, I like the white boards, I did something very similar with mine but used a graining tool to make boards.

    comment photo
  • Vette Vette on Apr 06, 2024

