Deer Eating Your Landscaping & Garden? Here's An EASY DIY Solution!

The only thing that will 100% stop deer from munching on your landscape or in your garden is a fence but this DIY DEER JUICE SPRAY is an EASY and INEXPENSIVE way to take care of an annoying problem!
Even if a plant is labeled “deer resistant” they’ll eat it if they are hungry enough. This past winter was a harsh one and my shrubs took a big hit. Our property covers about 5 acres — most of it wooded — but they’d prefer to munch on the day lilies, hostas, boxwood, and holly — landscape plants on the outside of the garden zone.

Besides destroying expensive landscape plantings, deer are a hazard to motorists causing in excess of 500,000 auto accidents annually. And, worst of all, they carry ticks that spread Lyme disease which can be devastating to humans.

If I had a nickel for every new suggestion I tried or contraption I bought to fight Bambi and her friends, I’d be a rich man. Dryer sheets, Irish Spring soap, motion sensitive floodlights and sprinklers, human hair, coyote urine — the list goes on and on.

Here's what you need (the recipe link is at the bottom of the post!): Fels-Naptha soap, eggs, scallions, garlic, cayenne pepper, and chili powder.
To speed up the process, I grind up the garlic and scallions in a food processor.
You don’t have to do this but I have found it makes the juice a little more potent.
Tie all the ingredients up in cheese cloth....
Fill a 5-gallon bucket with hot water and...
...drop the package in. Don't forget to crack the eggs!
DIY Deer Juice Garden Spray is a double punch for deer:

1. Deer rely heavily on their sense of smell for feeding, so the strong scented scallions and garlic, as well as the fragrant soap, works as the first line of defense.

2. The cayenne and chili powders should deter them if they decide to munch.
So, there you do! DIY Organic Deer Juice Spray!

Here's a few tips from my personal experience using this over the years:


*To speed up the process, I grind up the garlic and scallions in a food processor. You don’t have to do this but I have found it makes the juice a little more potent.

*Use a box grater or the shredder attachment on your food processor to grate the soap.

*Discount stores usually have very inexpensive spices like the cayenne and chili powder used in this recipe

Thanks for letting me share! The recipe is at the link below!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Bonnie Crim Bonnie Crim on Jul 01, 2020

    Info not useable without the recipe. Please post? What’s up with that?

  • Cristina Cristina on Mar 08, 2021

    You wrote,”cayenne and chili SHOULD deter the deer. Does this actually work or not?

  • Beth Carey Beth Carey on Nov 18, 2021

    Does anyone know how to keep the neighborhood cats from peeing and pooping in their yard? I have 20 lb of cat poop every morning in my plants grass etc. One of my neighbors feeds about 20 feral cats and they all use my yard as their litter box. I have tried mothballs, cayenne pepper, bleach, I've added $200 of rocks and they still poop in the rock. I don't know what else to do in the city won't help. The sprays and granules that they offer at Home Depot to deter small animals don't work.

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