Spring Cleaning: Shoe Edition

Amye Mae
by Amye Mae
The first things that mean Spring to me:
sunlight after 5pm
pastel colors in the window displays
that first day when it is too warm for boots
It is a tricky time of year for getting dressed. Do I wear the wool coat today, or is it trench weather? Can I get away with pantyhose, or will I freeze without tights? And, inevitably, I always get it wrong by wearing boots on a day when it is way too warm. That annual event is the true sign that spring is here – and that its time for Spring Cleaning: Shoe Edition.
Amye’s Advice for Spring Cleaning your Shoes:

1. Inventory

Take stock of what you’ve got by pulling everything out. Do a lap to round up all the suspects hiding behind doors and under furniture, and then line them up (ideally in similar groups). You can’t know what you own until you see it all together. No Shoe Left Behind.

2. Inspect

Check heels, soles, seams and lining for potential repair spots and make a pile to take to your local cobbler or shoe repair shop (dry cleaners often have these services available).

Anything beyond repair? Toss.

Have you worn it in the past season? If not, it might be time to donate. (Also time to donate if it is the wrong size, causes blisters or is just plain uncomfortable.)

After trash and donations, what styles are missing? What have you been reaching for but find missing? Make a shopping list - I keep this on my phone so its always handy.
3. Clean and Polish

You’d be amazed at how much of a difference a few minutes will make! Seriously, my shoes take a beating in the city here but they looked nearly-new after a little TLC. Of course, be sure to use appropriate products for the materials – leather conditioner, waterproofing, shoe polish, etc.

Some of my best kept secrets?

A suede brush, or a lint brush in a pinch, as seen here with my Blue Suede Shoes.

Take care of your hardworking wellies/rainboots by scrubbing with dish soap!
4. Storage

Now that everything is accounted for and looking lovely, give your shoes the home they deserve. I turned to The Container Store’s Shoe Box and it has literally changed my world. Affordable (less than $2 each), sturdy, and uniform while leaving my collection visible. Life. Changing.

I also use these as a barometer for keeping my purchases in-check. Gorgeous new black sandals? Well, must be time to donate the old ones because there’s only one box for black sandals.
Amye Mae
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