How to Transfer on Wood

6 Hours
After posting some projects where I use a transfer on wood or glass, several of you have asked me if I could make a graphic tutorial ... well, here it is!
You're going to need the following:
Sheet of paper
Printer (laser best)
Stick material (ModPodge, glue, paint, latex, varnish ...)
After this, go to it! The first thing is to print the image or text you want backwards. This is an important step in the case of text, believe me ... It doesn't matter if the sheet is new or recycled
Cut it near the edges
Apply a layer of adhesive material on the printed side of the image. I've tried them all and they all work, though there are some I like more than others. If I have to choose, the best would be ModPodge, followed by white glue lowered with some water, and my least favorite is latex.
Then paste it into the object to decorate and press so that there are no air bubbles.
I use a plastic bag to protect the sheet while I press as it is wet and, therefore, delicate.
Let dry for at least 5-6 h. Don't be impatient, I know it's so hard to wait... This is why I usually do it at night because I have no temptation. Once it is dry, moisten a cloth and apply it to paper so that it will get wet. When it's wet you will see the drawing at the background showing through.
Start to rub with your finger to remove the pulp of the paper. At this point I recommend doing it roughly, do not try to get the image sharp at once.
When you see the whole image, it's time to do something else while the paper dries again. A few minutes is enough.
Back to work again, and now you can remove all remaining cellulose. Don't ask me why, I'm sure it has some explanation, but those minutes between rubbing help the image to fix really well.
As you can see it is clear, and you do not need to spend money buying special products. You can protect it with varnish or wax, which you like most.
If you are interested in more tutorials, you can check my blog:

Sweet Things - Pili
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 8 questions
  • Karen Wilson Karen Wilson on Sep 29, 2016
    Would this work on a mirror?
  • Lori Ashby Lori Ashby on Jul 09, 2017

    I don't have a program reverse my image. Do you have any suggestions?

  • Denise Rohrer Denise Rohrer on Feb 10, 2019

    Are you using special paper, I see the image of Terry and then you apply the mod podge and when you apply to the wood printing shows up on your paper where you are rubbing off the paper, how do you explain this.

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  • Stephanie Subarayadu Stephanie Subarayadu on Mar 12, 2017

    hi, ive try this method using mod podge, but i cannot remove all the paper well. and when i rub it too much, the print letter, erased too. so please what to do?

  • Kiki Kiki on Jul 18, 2020

    It really worked!!!! I am soo impressed and happy the way my project came out!

    mistakes made by me #1 I rubbed a little too hard on the first round so some of my letters got rubbed off  but very essential is that you wait again until dry before rubbing off the rest of the cellulose as stated! Here’s a pic! Overall not bad for the first time! I am planning to go over it all with a Sharpie đŸ˜‰

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