Transforming my Backyard into a Secret Garden- July

by Ivylore
Last spring, I decided to transform my grassy backyard into my personal secret garden. I used the "lasagna" gardening technique to get rid of all the grass without having to pull it out. I planned out my garden and began the first plantings at the end of May. This is whow it looked barely two months later! The tall perennials are still small, but growing. The hostas have it made in the shade. The ground covers are starting to cover and the chocolate mints are spreading and smelling delicious, as is the Russian sage and other herbs. Come and see how things are growing in my garden. Thanks!
If you are interested in how I transformed my grassy backyard into my secret garden, please visit my post at
Nasturtium and Spanish Flag vines growing around birdbath
tic tac toe, anyone?
cross in the garden- so colorful right now
love my swing surrounded by great smelling herbs and grasses
hostas like their space!
guardian angel statue overcome by ivy in back raised garden- have to work on this :)
balloon flower and variegated hosta
my hardy hibiscus is blooming
fairy reading under birdbath focal point
some of my birdhouses and the sleeping clematis
cocolate mint overflowing from planter
my other tree trunk table
natural privacy fence of rose of sharons
my tree trunk table and chairs
still daydreaming
explosion of black-eyed susan along dry creek bed
dry creek bed- so pleasant
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  2 questions
  • Christine Vagell Christine Vagell on Jun 09, 2016
    is the ground covered in mulch? Dos'nt it track all over the yard?
  • Nell Nell on Jun 27, 2016
    Your garden. What is that on your birdbath? Is this something purchased or did you make it? Will you please tell me how if you made it? Love your garden!
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4 of 24 comments
  • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Jun 22, 2015
    Where did you get the logs for the treetrunk table and chairs? from your own land?
    • See 1 previous
    • Ivylore Ivylore on Jun 23, 2015
      My garden keeps doing better each year! Here is a photo taken just last week (June 2015)
      comment photo
  • Sarah Sarah on Jun 13, 2016
    Great place! !