Mirror, Mirror From My Wood Pile!

by 4554290
6 Materials
I bought a $5 mirror from the flea market and wanted to give it a rustic look for the cottage. The glue is still drying!
I found a variety of logs in our wood pile. I had my husband cut them into thin slices. On a previous post, someone had mentioned an issue about bringing wood in the house, because of insects and mites. So, I listened to the sage advice and baked the pieces at 275' for 2 hours to get rid of any unwanted visitors. Then, I put several coats of polyurethane on the logs. I dried them on pizza boxes.
I put a great big piece of chart paper on the table and used a cardboard cut-out for my mirror pattern.
Once I was happy with the pattern, I placed another table beside me to start assembling the mirror.
My husband cut an OSB board the same size as my template.
We measured to make sure it was centered. Then we began by gluing the mirror down with construction adhesive. It's much easier to do with 2 pairs of hands.
My husband applied the adhesive for me, it's like icing a cake.
I started by placing the edge pieces first. Then I continued adding more.
Let it dry.
Suggested materials:
  • Mirror
  • Construction adhesive
  • Gloves
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3 of 5 questions
  • Ellen Ellen on Jul 26, 2016
    Did you age the wood first?
  • Emmawilliams1 Emmawilliams1 on Jul 26, 2016
    What was the sage advice....Are you referring to sage spices to kill termites etc. on wood? thanks and cute mirror1
  • Kitty McCarty Kitty McCarty on Jul 27, 2016
    Did you use construction adhesive for mirror--not mirror adhesive???
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2 of 28 comments
  • 4554290 4554290 on Oct 15, 2016
    I'm happy to report that our mirror has finally found it's way to the cottage and the clutter is out of the kitchen! I'm eager to make a Christmas wreath with wood slices next.
    comment photo
  • EerieLady EerieLady on Aug 18, 2019

    I really love this and hope to try it at my mountain cabin! Thanks.
