How to Clean Moldy Gutters and Bricks

Megan Aubrey
by Megan Aubrey
2 Materials
2 Hours

One of my fall maintenance chores that must get done is cleaning off the lovely mold that accumulates throughout the summer on our bricks and gutters. It's not the look we are going for at our house so once a year I scrub it off. This year I decided to work smarter and not harder and save my arms and shoulders days of being sore.

Clean gutters after minimal work! This is a great method! Read more to learn how I do it.
Moldy brick pre-washing.
Yuck! Check out those moldy gutters.

Time to clean gutters

More mold on the gutters.
Check out the mold on those bricks!
A bird's eye view of the mold.
The outdoor friendly Clorox cleaner.
Attach the cleaner to the hose and pass over the moldy places a couple of times. Let sit for a few minutes and then scrub. Repeat a couple of times!

I used this scrub brush. Stiff but not destructive.
Now it's clean!
Clean brick!

And that's how to clean gutters and bricks with mold!

Suggested materials:
  • Clorox Pro Results Outdoor
  • Scrubbing Brush
Megan Aubrey
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • FreeCycle Cheryl FreeCycle Cheryl on Mar 23, 2019

    Is this the same as the "ProResults Concentrated Outdoor Bleach?


  • Robin Reynolds Robin Reynolds on Mar 04, 2021

    Isn't the chlorine bad for the plants and the water system it drains into? Does anyone have suggestions for anything not as toxic?

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  • Sheli Cockerham Dillon Sheli Cockerham Dillon on Nov 08, 2015
    Be careful with a pressure washer if you have vinyl siding in a bright or dark color. I have seen siding fade to a weathered lighter color if the pressure is too high. Should work great on brick though. Ours really raises the water bill so we use it sparingly.
    • Megan Aubrey Megan Aubrey on Nov 08, 2015
      @Sheli Cockerham Dillon Thank you for the warnings and tips!
  • Angela Angela on Feb 17, 2019

    I use liquid swimming pool chlorine on my house, concrete walks and patio!! I spray it on with a pump sprayer, let it sit for about an hour, scrub a little in really bad areas & spray with hose, they turn out like new!!! It doesn’t hurt grass either when sprayed with water!! Better than bleach!! Almost a professional cleaner from over 40 yrs of cleaning & from having 6 kids!! 😉😂
