Backyard Renovation

The backyard renovation has been our longest project to date...The Husband did almost all of this enormous makeover by himself! He only hired a Bobcat operator and 2 helpers to install the pavers...other than that, it's been a 1 man job! The full makeover is on the blog~
This has been a long time coming! But finally we're done with the Backyard Renovation!
The Husband built this rustic garden gate and stacked stone pillars to welcome everyone into the backyard space...
Before I show you pictures of the "before", how about a couple of photos of some of my favorite things in the the fire pit!
This lazy rope swing is a favorite of our grown daughters...
And we love the pondless waterfall...we can hear it from the screen porch and even from the den when the doors are open!'s the ugly...this is the yard before we moved in last April...this was even before we added the screen porch!
Tons of dirt later, The Husband had the grade of the yard just right...
I don't even know how many pallets of pavers we used...I'm thinking a million!
But finally we have a patio!
Here is the fire pit area before the stacked stone walls...
And here it is after...we've used the fire pit a bunch of times in the past 2 weeks...we love it!
We hosted a big fall party last weekend and all 32 people hung out on the's perfect for a crowd...
This view shows a little bit of the patio, my blog post gives you other views and a peek at the kids play area...
The Husband promises he's going to slow down and enjoy the backyard after all these months of hard work...I'll believe it when I see it :) xo
All Things Heart and Home
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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2 of 48 comments
  • Joanie Joanie on Jul 12, 2018

    Everything looks so inviting.......I like every project you've done! I especially like your door. I had a deck put on, a few years back. We like country music and beer. My contractor, on his own.......did his own idea on our doors off the deck. He made me Saloon doors.......I LOVE them. Some little things can make the entire project shine!!

  • BetsyRambo BetsyRambo on Jun 10, 2024

    Absolutely wow. What a hubby! This is paradise!
