Blue Lace Pattern 6 Drawer Dresser

by Alicia
I had this sad looking bare dresser.
Gave it a good sanding, filled in original holes and made new correct ones for the new hardware.
Did all touch ups around the frame and gave it a clean coat of paint.
I had to try the lace idea. I had lace laying around and picked out the best ideal one for the drawers.
And here it is! Gave it a vibrant look. This dresser was a hit! It sold pretty quick and they are very happy with it. This was done back in the summer(2016). Thanks for looking!
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  • Sandra Levy Sandra Levy on Feb 12, 2019

    Is the lace used like a stencil? Its so pretty!

  • Ruth Tracy Ruth Tracy on Jun 28, 2019

    How did you use the lace? You have a cool product bjt you don't say how to do it.

  • Madison McGahan Madison McGahan on Jan 28, 2020

    I’m unclear if n what you did with the lace? Did you decoupage it onto the dresser? Did you use it as a stencil? Did you seal it or adhere it? Any chance you could tell us a little more on what you did? It’s very cute!

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