Use Wire Baskets In Your Garage For An Organized Winter

Jesica Helgren
by Jesica Helgren
2 Materials
30 Minutes
With six people in our family, the gloves and hats and winter gear was turning into a bit of a mess. To organize (and save my sanity) we added a few wire baskets to control a little of the chaos!
I was able to easily create storage for a hat and set of gloves for each person by creating a separate space for everyone to put their stuff.

To start, I ordered some wire baskets from Walmart, then simply hung with metal picture hooks. (I'm not sure how sturdy the hooks will end up being so I may need to replace this method with some screws hooks, but so far so good.)

Measure out where you want your baskets and mark spaces for hooks. Use a level to ensure your baskets will hang nice and straight.

I made sure to allow adequate space in-between each basket so the kids wouldn't knock them off their hooks every time they reached in.
Hang your baskets and adjust as necessary for a uniform look.

Fill the baskets with hats and gloves and enjoy a more organized winter!

Suggested materials:
  • Wire Basket   (Walmart)
  • Picture Hanging Hooks   (Walmart)
Jesica Helgren
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