Cabinet Makeover- When Everything's Closed

Wendy Barrish
by Wendy Barrish
3 Materials
2 Days

Hi friends! I'm not sure about the regulations where you are located, but currently in my area all shops besides for groceries and pharmacies are closed. This project is a product of not having the right materials, but going for it anyway! I've had this little cabinet for about a few months now, and to say the least it is yuck. I got it for free second hand, and I really wanted to do something about the icky black (is that laminate?) and those tacky silver legs.

Am I Crazy??

I'm not gonna lie, I was not too sure about this project from the start, because I really didn't have many materials on hand. I figured I may as well give it a shot (hey, I've got the time!) and worse comes to worse, I'll fix it once the hardware stores reopen.

Setting Up The Space

I set up my workspace by covering the surface with newspaper, and opening the windows. I wanted to first cover up all that terrible black with a coat of white to at least have a blank canvas to work with. (I was thinking of painting it yellow, and to cover up all the black with yellow would take MANY coats. A coat of white helped to cover the black).

First Things First

Spray paint! I had this white spray paint on hand, and figured it would be the easiest way to cover up the yuck yuck black.

Side note: if this was a piece of furniture that was of value I would NOT spray paint it!

Spray Away

I sprayed one coat of white over the entire piece except for the top.

Let it Dry

Once the whole cabinet was painted white, I let it dry with the windows open for about an hour.

Go Yellow

After the white coat was fully dry, I pulled out my most yellowy yellow and decided to go for it! It's bright, it's bold, it's the real deal yellow.

Get to Painting

I painted the whole cabinet (2 coats) using this primary yellow. Again, being super honest here, I had many moments of doubt. Like this is really really YELLOW.

Time to Commit

But you know what, I went for it, and it kind of turned out awesome in its own quirky way.

I painted the whole cabinet and let it dry over night.

Finishing Touches

I woke up to this mass of sunshine! I had been looking on Pinterest for some inspiration, because I NEEDED to get rid of the tacky silver legs.

I flipped the cabinet on its side, and just as I did with the cabinet, I covered the legs with a coat of white paint. This way the color that I choose to paint them will not be transparent.

I went for gold! I really like how the yellow looks with it.

Paint the Legs

I covered the legs with a coat of gold paint. This project certainly felt more like arts and crafts than it did furniture painting and I had fun!

More details

I wanted to give the knob on the door some character as well. I grabbed some blue paint and went for a Delftware inspired look.

It's a simple design, but I like the look of it!

The Finished Cabinet

I flipped the cabinet back over once it was all dry, and hey, not too bad!

Time for the Top

A few months later...

I really wanted to go for a mosaic tile look for the top, so I was (finally) able to make it to the Dollar Store and pick up these really well priced peel and stick tiles. $3 a pack!

Peel and Stick

This was my first time using tiles like this, and I must say- they are SO easy to use! They literally act as stickers, so you just peel them and put them in place.

As you can see, I had to trim a few to fit the top, but for a non pro like me, I think it turned out pretty nice!

The End

All in all, I think this piece was a success! From tacky and blah, to sunny and quirky! It certainly brings some sunshine into our home!

I hope you like this project!

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  3 questions
  • Val Val on Jun 11, 2020

    Exactly what color yellow did you use? I thought Canary yellow was eye popping but yours is extremely so. I love it.

  • Larena parkhouse Larena parkhouse on Jun 18, 2020

    can I ask where the tiles came from

  • Faye Faye on Jun 11, 2022

    How many coats of yellow did you do? From the pictures it looks like it needs another coat or 2.

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