Pottery Barn Wall Art HacK

Marly Dice
by Marly Dice
6 Materials
5 Hours

I'm absolutely obsessed with how this DIY wall art hack came out! I've been eyeing a gorgeous piece of wall art at Pottery Barn, called the "pearlite print" for quite awhile now. It is both rustic and textured with beautiful mauve, brown and burgundy tones. The trim around it is white. It goes for nearly $700 to over $1,000 depending which size you buy. I knew I could recreate the look for less and get the same vibe using materials I already had! Here's the full tutorial of this easy DIY wall art painting!

Grab a piece of old wall art

The easiest way to do this is to grab a piece of old wall art/painting that's the right size and one you don't love anymore.

Fun fact - I had actually tried painting it before this project and didn't love it.

Original paint job I did that I didn't love - Just try again!

Before I decided to do a Pottery Barn wall hack with it, I actually painted it some random colors. I didn't love it so it just sat there for awhile.

Then, I came up with the idea for a DIY Pottery Barn hack!

Create texture with spackel

Grab your artwork, a paint brush and a can of spackel. I preferred to paint the spackel in straight line motions. It is very easy to work with and creates beautiful texture.

Keep painting the spackel over the whole photo

It should look something like this.

Let the spackel dry.

This is very important. You don't want to start painting over the spackel until it is completely dry. It will mess up your texture if you do.

Paint the frame white

Grab any white paint you have on hand and paint your frame white.

Drop some paint on your photo and start blotting it

I used brown, red, and beige tones in my painting because those are the colors that mostly mimic the Pottery Barn painting that I love. You could easily swap the color to make the look you want!

Keep blotting and painting

You can choose to do some darker and some lighter ends like me.


There is no magic formula to painting it, and I realized after I was done that mine looks somewhat like mountains! I love it!

Resources for this project:
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Marly Dice
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 6 questions
  • Tia Tia on Oct 30, 2020

    Very pretty. So what's the storage? The tag said art hack that doubles as storage. What did I miss?

  • Harley Harley on Jul 14, 2021

    This is really beautiful! Could you use caulking also? What would be the best type of paint?

  • Debbie Debbie on Nov 02, 2023

    Is it on a canvas or water color sheet?

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