Back Pack Wall

Jennifer Dole
by Jennifer Dole
I was tossing out this entertainment center but decided to salvage the end panels just in case I could use them later on down the road. I decided they were just the right size for this Back Pack Wall project to keep my sons belongings organized for school. Has worked wonders so far. no running around looking for jacket, back pack or hats or mittens.
Salvaged end panel from an old entertainment center.
Secured to a wall.
Paint your choice of color,
Add some hooks.
Added a colorful (I chose my sons favorite color) metal backer at the top for magnets to hold my sons important information for school. Use the hooks for his backpack and jacket. Also added a small box at the bottom for dry hats and mittens.
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 1 comment
  • Lori Lori on Sep 21, 2014
    So smart! I have a set of Walmart plastic hooks at the back door that are going to be replaced as soon as I find "just the right piece".