Make Your Own Odor Absorber / Air Freshener

by Mom4Real
If you have a musty smelling closet, stinky bathroom or pets, then this tip is for you! In some spaces in our home, it seems like no matter how often I clean, there is still a musty odor or smell. We have animals, so this is pretty normal, but I still don't like it. So, I decided to make a few odor absorbers to stick around the house in the areas where smells tend to son's bathroom, the room where the cat litter box is, and my closet...just to keep them smelling fresh! These little things work wonders, and are cute too!
You will need some small jars with lids, baking soda and essential oils of your choice. I chose lavender and lemon oils.
Trace the jar lid on some pretty paper of your choice. Cut it out.
Put your baking soda into the jar, then add the essential oils. You can find the exact amounts on my blog using the link below!
Place the paper circle you cut out in the lid ring instead of using the metal lid, then twist it on. Shake your mixture really well...
Then poke holes in the paper lid.
Place in any space that you want to rid of odors! The baking soda will absorb the odors and the essential oils will leave a nice scent in the air!
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 13 questions
  • Donna Donna on Mar 23, 2018

    What can be used for fragrance in place of essential oils?

  • Pat Pat on May 11, 2024

    can you please share witch oils you used for ticks

  • Ter50214526 Ter50214526 5 days ago

    Can I Use some other Crystal Jar with lid , from my Kitchen? The one that I recycle from Food Storage? Thank Yoy

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