How To Revamp Your Toilet Paper Holder

4 Materials
60 Minutes
Whether it is for a BBQ, a party or the Superbowl you need to make sure your bathroom is in tip top shape. What better way to do that than a revamp toilet paper holder!
Whether you watch the video or read the instructions you can't lose.
Take your metal scour pad and scrub any rust off. Remove any stains with soap and water. Dry with a paper towel.
Using painter's tape mask off the area you DO NOT want painter. Ideally you should mask of the center where toilet paper rolls go to prevent the paint from chipping in the future.
Time to paint! In a well ventilated area begin spray painting your holder. Aim to do multiple thin coats and allowing it to dry between coats. If you are using a spray paint like Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch 2x you can opt out using primer (I highly recommend this.) This color is Summer Squash.
Now you are done! In about 3 hours it will be fully cured and you can add your toilet paper to the holder. To coordinate consider painting your heater cover the same color. Snazzy.
Suggested materials:
  • Metal toilet paper holder   (Dollar Tree)
  • Metal scour pad   (Supermarket)
  • Spray Paint   (Hardware store)
See all materials
A.V. Perkins
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  • TangoTeaser TangoTeaser on Jul 31, 2017

    I would have painted the whole holder instead of leaving the top silver.

    • Becky Becky on Jul 31, 2017
      To each his own! I do think it was a legitimate reason not to, but go for it!
  • Jimi Dawson Jimi Dawson on Jun 07, 2020

    you lost me at "Anyone who doesnt root for the Patriots....
