Plastic Hanging Basket Makeover Anyone Can Do!

by Melanie
5 Materials
30 Minutes
If you're a gardener then you have one of these generic plastic hanging baskets that flowers come in. They serve their purpose but I wanted to spruce them up for fall. At first I thought of spray painting them but I wanted to do something a little different, then a light bulb went off in my head and as they say the rest is history!!
I went searching for pieces of material I knew I had left over from other projects and came across my burlap. perfect for what I wanted to do. Any material would work but this ties in with my outdoor décor.
I gathered my supplies, burlap, a couple of thick elastics and the ugly planter! Yes there is ribbon in the picture but I opted not to use it.
I removed the hanging clips and turned the planter upside down and placed the burlap over top.
Slide your elastic around the planter, turn it back over and cut the excess off. pretty simple huh?
As I mentioned I opted out using the ribbon, instead I took a few leaves off of some fall garland I had and cut a few flowers from a fall bush. I then used my glue gun and glued them on where I wanted them.
Planted my mums and reattached the hanger. I love how they turned out!
Suggested materials:
  • Piece of burlap   (left over from previous project)
  • Plastic hanging baskets
  • Elastics
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  • Peggy Peggy on Sep 28, 2016
    Very nice! How weatherproof are the burlap and decorations?
  • Tammy Tammy on Aug 21, 2020

    What type of elastic did you use? I can’t seem to get it to stay on close to the rim

  • Sven fennec Sven fennec on Oct 17, 2023

    i love this i did this with my mums too it's amazing

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