Getting Ready for Spring Outdoor Ideas
Tammy H
(IC: blogger)
Getting Ready for Spring Outdoor Ideas
I love planting in containers and even more in the unexpected. There is just something about it that adds to an outdoor area of beautiful flowers planted in something than just an ordinary pot. Don't you think?
I love planting in containers and even more in the unexpected. There is just something about it that adds to an outdoor area of beautiful flowers planted in something than just an ordinary pot. Don't you think?
Above a chandelier that hangs in the center of the gazebo was used as a place to add more daisies and if you look a little closer you can see the faux bird all nestled in and behind a nest filled with more daisies. for more on this http://www.onemoretimeevents.com/2015/03/getting-ready-for-spring-outdoor-ideas.html
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Published March 5th, 2015 8:29 PM
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3 of 6 comments
Pam1388559 on Mar 06, 2015I have two large old chandelier casing. I'll definitely try this.Thanks
Elizabeth Sagarminaga on Mar 07, 2015Those metal orbs are so beautiful, simply gorgeous I must say. These are definitely going to add to the beauty of the outdoor space. Thank you for sharing the pictures as well as the tips and tricks for the plantation with everyone here.
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