How To Prune Leggy, Overgrown Geraniums
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Diane on Mar 15, 2018
I also bring my geraniums inside for the winter. Could you give me a little more info on how to root them so I can get more!!!!!!
Joy Us garden on Mar 15, 2018
Hi Diane - Pelargoniums & geraniums root readily in water. I take tip cuttings, anywhere from 6-12", & strip off all but the top 3-5 leaves. Be sure to take any flowers or buds off while they're rooting. I put them in a container with about 2-5" of water & change it once a week. Keep them in a nice bright spot but out of direct sun. Roots will soon appear! Nell
Robyn Scott on May 11, 2018
Hello, I live in the hunter valley, NSW Australia. My geraniums are planted in the garden. The suffer frosts in the winter & extreme heat in the summer & are thriving. I cut them back at the beginning of spring & am rewarded with 100’s of beautiful blooms all summer right into winter. They are the easiest plants to grow. Cuttings can be put straight into the ground & will strike every time. Unwanted pruning can be potted & sold or given away - whatever you choose. Looking for an easy plant to look after, you can’t go past the geranium.
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How much sun do these need in winter, I don’t have any direct sunlight for them in the house so I’ve need brought them in. I live in southern MN.
Can u transplant the clippings that where removed to another pot with dirt or a vase of water ???
Can I prune all thru May and still have summer blooming? They need it now but there's lots of flowering which I'm enjoying after a very green only 6 months. I'm in CT.