Decor Ideas From Ireland

by Lana
Irish cottages can provide an endless stream of inspiration for decorating your home. In Dublin, many apartments and homes try to incorporate ideas from the cottages into their decor. The results are a unique mix of the simple, practical and rustic items you can find in cottages with modern life.
It is not easy to copy the exterior of an Irish cottage in a Dublin apartment or home, so most owners focus on the interior.
The kitchen tends to be one of key areas that incorporates ideas from the past. The country style is combined with modern appliances, so you get to enjoy convenience without sacrificing beauty. In Irish cottages, the kitchen was the heart of the home and a central gathering place.
Dressers are a common find in Irish cottage kitchens, and it is easy to use the same idea in a modern home. Filled with china, cooking utensils or other items, they can be a useful way to show off a beautiful dish or a convenient way to store things.
The bedroom is another location that can benefit from Irish cottage decorating ideas. Beautiful quilts and simple wood furniture are commonly used. Trunks, tables and other pieces of furniture are used sparingly. Natural textiles are preferred.
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