DIY Wooden Sleigh

Amber Foster
by Amber Foster
7 Materials
1 Hour
I bought a vintage wooden sleigh at a garage sale last year. EVERYONE wanted me to start looking for them one and it was of course impossible to find one for them all. Therefore, I decided I would just start building them! Now you can build one too!

Start by cutting the first piece of wood directly in half, about 48" each, and cutting the ends at a 45 degree angle for the 2 runners.
Next, cut the support braces.  Two straight pieces 13" long each.
Also, cut one more straight piece of wood 18" wrong for the top cross bar.
Prepare the top part of the sled by cutting 3 pieces of wood.  One 33" piece and Two 30" pieces.  Cute 45 degree angles on both ends of the 30" pieces in opposite directions.
Cut dog ears on all corners of the 33" piece.
Paint both of the running boards red, or whatever color you choose.
Stain all of the other pieces the same color, or paint them if you like.
Now, it's time to start assembling the sled.  Place the two runners down flat on the table and lay the 13" support beams across the top.  Secure them with wood glue and nails.  
The attach the crossbar to the top by the same method.
Lastly secure the seat of the sleigh again with wood glue and nails.  Put the longer piece in the middle and the two shorter pieces on the side. Visit for more super cute DIY'S!
Suggested materials:
  • 3, 1"x4"x8' pieces of wood   (Hardware store)
  • Red Paint   (Hardware or Craft Store)
  • Wood Stain   (Hardware Store)
See all materials
Amber Foster
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  2 questions
  • Carol Durley Carol Durley on Nov 02, 2017

    Hi Amber for the sled you put the length of the boards but what are the widths thank love this sled .

  • Jacki Beaver Jacki Beaver on Nov 02, 2017

    What is the width of the runner please

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3 of 4 comments
  • Bryan's Workshop Bryan's Workshop on Nov 02, 2017

    Awesome! I'm definitely making a sled this year now. Thanks for sharing!

  • Sarah Sarah on Nov 05, 2017

    Love this project! I made 3 at one time then decorated them each differently! Thank you for sharing this project!!

    comment photo
    • Amber Foster Amber Foster on Nov 06, 2017
      Oh! Sarah! You don't know how much it warms my heart that you shared this with me! Amazing job and thank you so much for sharing😊