Picking Wall Colors and Accessories

by Linda
3 Materials
6 Weeks
I have been asked to clean, organize, paint, get some new furniture and possibly tear down a wall in a 1960s home that has never had any updates.
i read quite a few articles on how to pick wall colors and accessories.
im really glad that I am able to actually live with the owner while I’m doing this remodel.
I would have picked certain colors and accessories based on the layout of the house. BUT......that would have NOT worked....because...
#1. The owner is ....not the most meticulous housekeeper.
if I had purchased paint and accessories based on lighting and house style it would have been a disaster.
i picked colors that will always look ok even if the house gets a bit messy.
i chose accessories that have clean lines and not much in the way of crevasses that will need detailed dusting.
he did insist on keeping some of his more “scrolly” wood furniture much to my dismay.
i had to remove all carpet.
i am sanding floors and I’ll varnish later.

Bathtub before
I stripped and sanded old bathtub and painted new Epoxy. Please use a respirator. I didn’t and I was very sick that evening.
Painted Ash Violet by Sherwin Williams
I picked out vanity, hardware and toilet. It’s all going to be super easy to keep clean. I had a black mat floor put in. It does have light reflecting particles but should be easy to maintain. It is linoleum. I did replace the heat register. I used a smaller one than original.
after splashing water around sink onto walls I added a backsplash.
The living room after. All the colors are very soft. The rug doesn’t show dirt or crumbs.
I found pillows at Goodwill and added bowls around to drop keys, receipts etc.
This was living room before. I had already taken down floral drapes and dusty wall shelves.
Living room after I rearranged and removed a lot of stuff. Before painting.
Bedroom before
Bathroom before
master bedroom after. Everything is very simple
Master after
Master bedroom before
The backsplash. I may add height if I see toothpaste or water on the walls
Suggested materials:
  • Sherwin Williams paint everywhere   (Lowe’s and Sherwin Williams store)
  • Goodwill accessories   (Goodwill)
  • Vanity, toilet, epoxy   (Lowes)
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