Easy Wrapped Lampshade Makeover

by VeryLiv
3 Materials
1 Hour

If you have thrifted an old lampshade in dire need of a refresh, try this minimalist Wrapped Lampshade Makeover. Wrapping a natural string around the frame is an easy way to japandi-fy your lamp.

For this DIY project, I had an old wicker lampshade. If you need to strip wicker off a lampshade frame, head over to the blog post where you'll find a step-by-step with photos!

This is the lampshade I started with. Wicker lampshades can be amazing but this particular one just felt so flat with its sad coat of white paint.

Wrapping the lampshade frame works up very quickly! To begin, tie your paper string to the top hoop of the frame. I added a bit of masking tape to make sure the knot wouldnโ€™t slip.

Place the lampshade in front of you and bring the ball of yarn down to the bottom hoop of the frame. Loop the yarn around twice.

Bring the ball of yarn up and over the top hoop. Repeat this pattern, making sure the string remains tight.

As you work your way around the frame, youโ€™ll eventually come so close to the next metal post that it will be hard to slide in your ball of string. At this point, you can cut out a small piece of cardboard and wrap some string around it. This will allow you to continue wrapping close to the metal post.

Now that you have upcycled your lampshade, itโ€™s time to screw it back onto its base. The plainer the base, the better for this minimalist style. I had a wooden lamp base I wanted to tweak in some way until I realized it was gorgeous just the way it was. Yes, sometimes less DIY is better than moreโ€ฆ

Check out Veryliv.com for more easy DIY ideas icon

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Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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3 of 7 questions
  • Vic81273283 Vic81273283 on Apr 22, 2023

    You said you were using the white rattan lampshade to wrap in the string, but the finished item on the lamp base is a coolie shaped one. Do you have a picture of the finished frame that started as the white rattan one please?

  • Vincent Vincent on Jan 27, 2024


  • Sheryl Monaspa Sheryl Monaspa on Apr 26, 2024

    What would you call this interior style?

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3 of 22 comments
  • Paula Skinner Paula Skinner on Jan 20, 2023

    Great job. Thanks for sharing.

  • Midge Midge on Jan 20, 2023

    I've got lots of this twine and now know what to do with it. My questions is how do you keep it dust free and clean it? It must collect dust. Thanks.

    • Hope Hope on Jan 25, 2024

      Hi Midge...

      I was wondering that too. Maybe it can be vacuumed lightlyโ€ฆthatโ€™s probโ€™ly what I will try to do. I love how the lampshade turned out!! I canโ€™t wait to make one.
