Sports Gear Storage in Small Space

My home is protected by ninjas! Well, actually Tae Kwon Do athletes, but they are ninjas in training. So, don't even think about breaking into our house or they will open up a can of whoop a$$ on you!
Unfortunately, where my boys are plentiful in kicking and punching skills they lack in the picking up your stuff department.
Which means that the bottom of the stairway to our bonus room is usually the dumping ground for their gear bags, clothing and gear.
Before beginning to build, sketch out your design with painter's tape. Take note of the height of any baskets or gear bags you will store on the shelves. This should give you the ability to visualize the storage shelves and make any alterations to your design before you build.
You may wish to clad the walls in wood planks like I did before you build the shelving. If you decide to add the planks, here's the tutorial for planking your walls.

Link to planking wall tutorial in blog, listed below.
See detailed photos and instructions for cutting and mounting shelves on blog below.
Adding mesh siding gives the storage system a locker vibe and allowed for better air flow around stinky sports gear.
Now I'm enjoying having a place to store all their Tae Kwon Do paraphernalia.
Pretty good for claiming a lot of storage in a small
Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Linda M. Davis Linda M. Davis on Jul 06, 2018

    I have a corner on both of a a closet where I removed the doors, and I’m trying to figure out how to put rods for hanging my clothes out of sight! Any suggestions?

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  • Maureen Coc Maureen Coc on Aug 01, 2018

    Thank you for the rounded corners with the verticle shelving. So user friendly for young and all! Great ideas! My closets thsnk you!

  • Tyree Tyree on Feb 14, 2019

    I love this idea. I have a small bathroom with a wall the I have been really wanting to try this planking on. You have really inspired me. How wonderful an idea the is. thanks for the tips.
