Easy Sock Bunny DIY
Do you have an extra sock lying around? Turn it into one of these easy sock bunnies - even kids can get in on the fun. You can see more of my crazy creations here
Start with a single sock, and you can use any solid color you want.
Add a filler of your choice, and I'm using white beans and fiberfill for mine.
Separate 2 sections by using rubber bands. The bottom will be the body, and the top will be the head.
I cut the top portion of the sock into 2 halves.
I glued the raw edges together, and I cut the tips of the "ears" to curve them a bit and then hot glued those raw edges together.
I added a ribbon for the neck.
I used a baby barrette for the top by the ears.
I hot glued on 2 eyes and a little pink nose. Feel free to add other embellishments like whiskers, flowers, tails, etc.
I made a fuzzy version of this that turned out super cute that you might want to see.
I would love to have you stop by my blog Chas' Crazy Creations for the full tutorial as well as sign up for my latest creations, posts, recipes, exclusives, and more...

I would love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel to see more of my crazy creations - https://www.youtube.com/c/chascrazycreations
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