Pallet Wall/Reclaimed Wood

Libbie B
by Libbie B
1 Day

I have wanted to add character to our Kitchen forever! It a basic layout with an abundance of orange oak cabinets. So the first step was to add a pallet wall. I LOVE the way it turned on to those cabinets. )

This is where we started.
We painted the wall brown in case the boards didn't line up and the red would come blaring through. We did have a few that were off.... Not many though. I used 4 or 5 different stain colors and untreated pallet wood.
We laid them out in a random pattern that made sense as I had read on the internet. But to be honest that went pretty quickly by the wayside due to room constraints.
Finished!!! YAY! I LOVE it.
Close up of texture

DIY home decor using reclaimed wood

Check out more ways to create DIY home decor using reclaimed wood here.

Libbie B
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  • YellowKing YellowKing on Jan 15, 2021

    My question is, why don’t you people read thru the questions and find your answer? Very simple. Btw, SHE USED A PNEUMATIC NAIL GUN.

    ps- your walls look fantastic

  • Robin Robin on Jan 03, 2022

    Did you nail the boards directly into the wall? Did you frame out the wall behind it and nail into that? I would love to do this but I have plaster walls, I would be afraid the nails would just pull out of the wall.

  • Molly M. Dir Molly M. Dir on Nov 30, 2022

    Where was the pallet wood sourced?

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