Gabion Planter from defunct clothes dryer

Cynthia B
by Cynthia B
I turned an old clothes dryer drum into a planter for the front yard.
The dryer drum is sitting in the hole left from the dying Robelini Palm.
Hardware cloth cut larger than the drum and secured in the middle with wire ties. Landscape pins secure the wire mesh to the ground.
The 4" space is filled with 8 bags of Mountain Granite from Home Depot at $4/bag.
The top edge is finished with long-cut peat moss that will be a growing medium for trailing succulents.
The completed planter.
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  • Justine Parkhurst Justine Parkhurst on Feb 15, 2022

    I have been imagining doing this with old car tires for the center then adding a post in the middle so I can make a privacy screen or trellis for climbing plants (trying to block a very ugly view/messy neighbor). I love the look of Gabion walls and planters. Have you had any issues with rust on the wire or anything else now that a couple of years have passes?

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