How to Make Knobs With Stones

2 Materials
30 Minutes

My rental apartment bathroom has this old vanity with very dated knobs that I really didn't like. I didn't want to spend a lot of money replace them so I opted to make my own with dollar store stones! Turns out is was very easy to do.

These are the original knobs that I removed by simply unscrewing them. Since I'm a renter, I'll just hold on to them until I move out and put them back.

I used river stones from the dollar store and selected ones that had a flat surface on one side.

I sanded the back of the stone to add more grip for the glue.

I used epoxy glue to attach the bronze caps nuts in the center of the stone (I got the cap nuts on

I let the glue dry and then used bolts to attache them to the drawer.

This is so simple to do and what's great about this project is that you could use the same idea to make knobs out of just about anything! If you want to make some of your own, there's more info on what I used in a short video on my blog.

Suggested materials:
  • Stones   (dollar store)
  • Cap nuts and bolts   (amazon)
Engineer Your Space
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Maggie Ann Maggie Ann on Dec 03, 2016
    I'm guessing you sanded the stones to remove the coating. Just to let you know, that coating is silicone, and I learned that it can be removed with turpentine. Just an FYI.
  • Sarah Georgine Rice Sarah Georgine Rice on Feb 28, 2017
    what are the bolts?? what do they look like? get them at home depot/lowe's? love the idea.
  • Mary Mary on Apr 12, 2018

    I collect pretty rocks. All I need are ones with a flat side, right?

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  • Pam Pam on Jun 14, 2021

    I've been thinking about doing this very thing on my kitchen cupboards, because I have stones on the walls. I could not find flat knobs to use - so you have solved the dilemma! Thank you. Here's a photo of my stones:

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