Pallet Bike Rack

Tim Shaw
by Tim Shaw
3 Materials
1 Hour
Lately I've been on a bit of a binge trying to come up with as many pallet project ideas as I can, and this is one that was super easy to do but also extremely practical! My household has a number of bikes that get ridden frequently, and until now we had no storage solution other than piling them up in our garage, making a big mess and also damaging the bikes.
To fix this, I came up with a super easy way to turn a pallet into a bike rack that'll hold 5 or 6 bikes with ease!

Find a heat treated pallet in good condition with boards that are spaced in such a way that you could fit a bike tire between them. Many companies are looking to get rid of used pallets, so just do a quick google search on craigslist or kijiji to find some near you.
Cut the pallet in half: Use a handsaw to cut your pallet in half along one side of the centre supporting beam
Finish cutting it in half: When you finish cutting it, it'll have a tendency to flop around so be careful when handling it that you don't damage any of the planks.
Insert a supporting beam: I used a piece of 2x4 cut to length, but you could also salvage a supporting beam from a second pallet. Insert it between the two sides of supporting planks, and square it with the end planks.
Nail down the loose boards: You want to make sure that the planks line up with the planks on the other side of the pallet, so stack it on top and use it as a template to position the loose planks as you nail them down.
Nail down the boards on the bottom: These planks don't need to lined up with anything, just do your best to keep them square. At this point, you should also clean the pallet up to remove any splinters, old nails, etc. Basically anything that could damage a bike tire.
Add an additional supporting beam: Add a second supporting beam to the back of the pallet, but line it up flat on the ground. I had a little piece of 2x4 left so I added it on as well, as shown in the photos. Refer to the video if you're not following my instructions.
Attach the second half of the pallet: Use a couple 90 degree wood brackets to secure the two pallets together.
Add the side supports: Nail some additional planks (these were salvaged from a second pallet as well) to the sides, and cut them flush at the ends.
I also made a detailed instructional video you can check out too. I honestly think videos are the best way to explain any kind of visual project, so check it out and follow along with the tutorial below.
This rack will hold 5-6 bikes- Enjoy!!
Suggested materials:
  • Pallet   (craigslist)
  • 2x 90 degree metal brackets   (home depot)
  • Nails   (home depot)
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2 of 3 comments
  • Carmela Carmela on Aug 13, 2019

    I wish I had seen this 20 years ago when my kids bikes were all over the garage!

  • Joanie Joanie on Aug 16, 2019

    A GREAT donation for schools.......Something a lot of them could use.
