Quick Fix for Battery Spring in Solar Light

by KW
2 Materials
5 Minutes

The spring broke in my solar light. I love having the light on at night when I sit on the porch as it doesn't attract bugs like the porch light does. I took a Christmas ornament hook, wrapped it around a small eyeglass screwdriver, put it in where the old spring was and yes! it worked!! I removed the battery and cleaned the connections, using a little piece of sandpaper.
These are the tools I used to make the spring.

I wound the wire around the screwdriver with my hand. You could use a small pair of pliers to wind the wire. Use your imagination for a piece to wind wire around, just make sure it's small enough to make the spring the right size. :)

I took the top of screwdriver. I removed the wire/spring and placed it in the compartment. I pushed the wire down on the end of the battery where the negative (-) part of the battery will sit. You may have to jiggle it just a little to get the connection and make the light come on.

If you try this, please let me know if it worked for you, too! My light...I love butterflies!!
Suggested materials:
  • Ornament Hook   (I have a bunch of these)
  • Eyeglass screwdriver   (I have 3 or 4 but they can be purchased at Dollar Tree and other places.)
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