You've heard of a vanishing edge pool, have you seen a vanishing edge pond?

This vanishing edge pond is located on the north shore of Long Island in Eatons Neck NY. The beauty of vanishing edges is the illusion that water is just falling off the edge, additionally the pond reflects as well.
Vanishing edge pond overlooking Long Island sound
Vanishing edge pond reflection
Vanishing edge pond at sunset
Back side view of vanishing edge pond
Vanishing edge pond with large stepping stone path
Bog filtration (upper waterfall) and pondless reservoir (lower waterfall)
Stream that connects vanishing edge pond to main swimming pond
Large swimming pond
Vanishing edge pond
Swimming pond
Lazy day lounging in the pond
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2 of 13 comments
  • Hi Pam- For leaves and debris, we always use a skimmer on our ponds. The concept is just like a swimming pool. It is not hard to do if your pond has a liner The pump is than located in the skimmer where it is protected from debris that can clog it. By keeping as much organic debris out of the pond, it reduces nutrients in the pond (which algae feeds on). Also we run our ponds 24/7 to keep them oxygenated, and add beneficial bacteria to your pond. We have used Aquascape Inc products for years with great success.
  • Thank you all for your kind words. This was a project that we dreamed about 6 years ago and we finally found the right location and client for the project.