How to Stencil & Paint Carpet

Yes, even carpets can get a makeover! Whether it’s a larger area rug or a throw rug, you can paint carpet using a stencil and regular interior latex paint. You can paint on a variety of designs from squares or diamonds to circles. We chose a Moroccan design. (The pattern is free to download on our site.)

Closed loop rug or carpet (A low pile open loop carpet might work if its VERY low and very tight.)

Stencil of your choice (or ours below)

Masking tape or chalk pencil to mark the carpet with

Any indoor latex paint

I've had this rug for quite a few years. We'd moved into a home and I wanted to give it a face lift for my current living room
1. Create a stencil out of paper or poster board.

2. Start in the center of the rug and work your way out with the stencil using masking tape to outline the stencil shape as shown. This takes a while depending on the size of your rug so turn on the radio or watch some TV while you work. (A chalk pencil might work if you find one that shows up on your carpet.)
3. After you’ve taped off or outlined your stencil, fill in the areas where the stencil was laid with paint, being careful not to push the paint under the tape if you’re using it. Depending on the pattern used and the type of carpet, a foam roller might work. We used a small bristle brush for ours.
4. After it dries, determine if it needs another coat or two.

5. After all coats have dried remove the tape.

More details and free patterns are available on our site link below.
Nancy at Craft Your Happiness
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Deborah Hickman Deborah Hickman on Jan 26, 2018

    I recently sponge painted my bedroom carpet. I love it but it is wearing from traffic and shampooing. Is there a more permanent paint? I was wondering about exterior or gloas. I used interior flat latex. I love the look and it was so much fun to do. we couldn’t afford to replace it so I opted to paint.

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  • Brenda Dean Brenda Dean on Mar 24, 2019

    What kind of paint can I used to paint carpet in my sun room

  • Carla Holmes Carla Holmes on May 17, 2020

    I have a carpeted living room I am wondering if painting it with a stencil,like you did would work. Any thoughts?

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