Simple Tomato Cage Bird Bath

4 Materials
15 Minutes

For a long time I've wanted a bird bath in my garden but didn't want to spend a lot of money buying one. I finally solved that problem with a frugal DIY solution that only needed a couple of supplies: a tomato cage and a flower pot saucer!

Hometalk Recommends!

Make your own bird bath with this recommended tomato cage and poly saucer that Amazon reviewers swear by!

I was able to purchase both of these items at my local home improvement store for less than $6 total. I used a 33" tomato cage and a 12" poly saucer.

To spruce up my bird bath just a little bit, I gave the saucer a light coat of a spray paint that gives it a stone-like look and texture. This step isn't absolutely necessary and adds a little bit more to the cost, but it does add a nice touch!

To assemble your tomato cage bird bath, simply stick the tomato cage in the ground, pushing it in far enough so that the first ring of the cage is as close to the ground as possible to help add stability. Then place your saucer on the top ring. I used a level to make sure I had things as straight as possible.

Then all that's left to do is add about an inch of water. Water in bird baths should be kept shallow, and it's good to clean your bird bath regularly and add new fresh water.

I've always enjoyed making my own homemade birdseed cakes for the birds and I hope they enjoy their new homemade bird bath too!

You can visit my blog for the more detailed and printable tomato cage bird bath instructions or you can use the "GO" option below.

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Bev @ The Make Your Own Zone
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Jul 03, 2019

    Has the stone finish come off ? I used that paint on resin flower pots and it didn't stick.. Season 2 it flaked off badly.. The pots I used had a bit of texture..I think I should have sanded them a bit for more grip..

  • Cathy Wommack Cathy Wommack on Aug 11, 2021

    I would think it might sway too much, in a breeze..?

  • BOO BOO BOO BOO on Sep 08, 2022

    is the paint used safe for birds to drink out of

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  • Carol Hankins Carol Hankins on Aug 09, 2023

    Did this last year to make a butterfly oasis...shallow dish, bottom covered with marbles and just enough water to almost cover the marbles. Butterflies need water too and they love blue marbles!!!

  • CMHolt CMHolt 3 days ago

    they often have the large, heavy old serving plates at thrift stores for a few dollars, that would work great and be food safe, no painting required… could also train some vines to wrap the tomato cage.
