Schefflera (Umbrella Plant) My #1 Favorite House Plant Choice

I have to have house plants and have since I was a teenager over 32 years ago. I cannot help it - I have always had a fascination, obsession, and love with plants for as long as I can remember.
When someone asks me for a recommendation on an easy growing house plant, the Schefflera (Umbrella Plant) is one that I recommend. It is easy to grow, requires little care, and adapts to different lighting conditions. This plant can be pruned to keep its shape or let it go (as I do with the crazy stems sticking out every which way). I do not prune my Scheffleras because I am too attached to them.
Crazy plant lady...
I know it seems odd to have a grown woman emotionally attached to a plant but these Scheffleras were from my dad's funeral 15 1/2 years ago. Believe I know it is okay to cut them, but there is this voice that says 'don't do it'. My husband threatens to cut them as he helps me wrangle them in every fall but he knows how emotional I would become and everyone knows you do not want to upset the 'mom'.
If you want to grow houseplants and want something easy to grow, check out more information at the blog.
Creating. Inspiring. Gardening without the rules!
this one is about 14 years old and started out about 4 inches tall
I split this one off a few years ago after a fatal fall from my arms to the ground.
I have had this one for over 15 years and has only been repotted 2 maybe 3 times.
The Garden Frog with C Renee
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Beth Beth on Feb 13, 2020

    Haha, it seems like we are all getting our umbrella plants from funerals! Well, fine, I hope when I "move on (UP!)" everyone sends them to my relatives! I have one from my dad's funeral 13 years ago, and it is doing fine, but the stems would be on the ground if I didn't stake them. This doesn't seem normal. Can I "strengthen" the stems, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

  • Carol Carol on Apr 22, 2020

    We also received an umbrella plant from a funeral and had it for about 10 years. Unfortunately my husband and I both over watered it and we don't know how to recover from it. Any ideas?

  • Jessie Jessie on Mar 19, 2021

    In 1974 I bought a 4 inch schefflera and still have it! I propagated it once & am about to do it again; it's 12 ft. tall and the base is 3 inches in diameter.

    I'll probably take the top 4 ft off and put it back into the 18x17 inch pot with good dirt & styrofoam peanuts (less weight). I have the "tree kind" of schefflera & it took about 6 wks. for new roots to grow the first time I propagated it; I got all my info from the internet. People are amazed when I tell them it's 47 yrs old! (Is there anyone out there with an older tree?)

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  • Mary Mary on Jul 12, 2023

    Very easy to just cut the ones off that seem weak. Stick the stems right back into the dirt. They will root in the dirt. I’ve had mine outside for at 15 years. If they freeze they will grow right back. They like the shade but will grow anywhere.

  • Crafty Little Hippie Crafty Little Hippie on Jun 26, 2024

    I’ve had my scheff for around five years and have been chopping the stems and sticking them back in the soil (or giving them to friends) every time it reaches 7 or so feet, or starts growing wiggly wonky. It was looking SO beautiful until a bad case of the spider mites. I was able to kill them all with alcohol, but Mrs Scheff is singing a sad song right now. 😭
