Build a Veggie Hod For Your Garden

It's too cold outside to work in the garden, plus everything is covered with snow! So why not build a veggie hod to use in the garden!
Using some leftover cedar the following parts were cut: 2 ends 5 ½ x 8″, 2 side rails 1 x ¾ x 16″, 2 handles 1 ½ x 12″, and a 3/4 inch dowel 17 ½ inches long.
Cut a ¾ x 1 inch notch in each top corner of the end pieces for the side rails.
Cut mesh 16 by 16 inches. Cut the wire very close to the cross wires to eliminate sharp, pointy wires. Bend one edge of the mesh 90 degrees, ½ inch in from the edge. Staple that ½ inch edge to the bottom of one of the sides. Align the side in one of the end notches and wrap the mesh around to mark your bend point for the other side. When you have this mark bend the mesh 90 degrees and staple to the other sidepiece.
Handle ends shaped and finished. Attach handles to the center of each end piece with two 1 ¼ inch screws.
End pieces are then attached to side rails with wire mesh. Attach handles to the center of each end piece with two 1 ¼ inch screws.
Project complete!
My veggie hod is perfect for harvest vegetables from the garden! I can even rinse them with water before bringing them up to the house! for more compete details on this project please check out my blog!
Nancy On The Home Front
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