DIY Garden Head Project

Jessica C
by Jessica C
4 Hours
I used a foam mannequin head from the craft store and planted in it. I named her Betty Bling!
DIY Garden Head project
I started with a foam mannequin head, Magikote Foam Primer and Stone Metallic Spray Paint by Krylon. I named my head Betty.
Betty got two thin coats of primer. The primer seals the foam and creates a smooth surface to paint on.
I set Betty on top of an empty wine bottle filled with pebbles for drying.
Betty also got several coats of Metallic Stone paint. It was easy to paint her while she was sitting on the bottle. I liked her on the bottle so much I decided to keep her there.
When she was dry, I used a compass to draw a 6" circle on the top of her head. I hollowed out the planting cavity with a kitchen knife and made a hole for drainage. Then I planted her with a trailing succulent I found at Home Depot.
I added Betty's "Bling" with some old necklaces, glasses and even some rhinestone earrings (they were easy to stick into the side of her head). Betty was born! She sits on top of the buffet in my dining room. Thanks for reading!
Jessica C
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Katrina Katrina on Nov 09, 2018

    I need to hollow out the head but am finding it difficult and Im afraid of going into the outer shell. Do you have any tips please. My finished head ia for an art as therapy course and this will be my end piece for an exhibition

  • Marylin Marylin on Jan 24, 2019

    Live in Australia and don't have magiKote. Would you suggest something similar.



  • Lyn Musolino Lyn Musolino on Apr 03, 2021

    Hi can I have the name of the products you used so I can purchase a Bunning please.

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3 of 49 comments
  • Madeleine D Madeleine D on May 11, 2016
    I bought 5 female heads and 2 male heads on eBay. Plan to have a whole garden of these except I'm going to cover the outside with hypertufa because I think they may last a lot longer and stand up to more abuse.
  • Barbara Jackson Barbara Jackson on May 30, 2021

    I am excited to try doing this.
