Easy Fix for Damaged Wood

Holly Lefevre
by Holly Lefevre
I have used this method for over ten years. I somehow always inherit master bathrooms that are huge...but have problems...and always streaky water damaged wood is one of them. I have used this trick on vanities, furniture and now on this door. It is super simple and you only need petroleum jelly and a rag...and a teeny tiny bit of patience.
Here are the super easy steps:
Clean the area
Rub petroleum jelly into the wood.
Let sit for about one hour.
Wipe excess petroleum jelly off (you may need to do this over the course of a few days).
Minor water damage gone!
(there may be a small amount of residue on the surface...it soaks in and you can also wipe the surface clean)
Holly Lefevre
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Nicole Ianncelli Nicole Ianncelli on Dec 26, 2018

    Hi Holly, I have recently inherited the most gorgeous dining room set for my new home! However just like you, along with acquiring this gorgeous set, I also acquired a water mark on the table. I have been searching for any way possible to remove this round water mark (from glass/ice sweat) I have had no luck at all. The owner mentioned that even the maker (The Philadelphia House) could not remove it. I wanted to see what you would recommend as you have a lot of experience? I attached the only pic I have at the moment, it is hard to see it. Thank You, Happy Holidays!

    comment photo
  • Jim Jim on Feb 13, 2019

    Nail polish was spilled accidentally on our dining room table. it left a hugh mark that looks like it is down to the bare wood. Without stripping the whole table, is there something I can do to get it back to somewhat of its original appearance?

  • Avis Avis on Mar 05, 2019

    Any suggestions for water damaged laminate floors? They discontinued my floors and my living room needs to be replaced. I used the laminate floors throughout my downstairs & stairs.

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  • Patty Patty on Dec 11, 2022

    Thanks for the tip

  • Jenny Jenny on Jul 07, 2023

    I have an antique Chinese opium table very dark wood, that I use for a coffee table with a watermark. Sour this work on dark wood?
