New Hand Rail for Our Deck Made Out of Conduit
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Suggested materials:
- Conduit
- 6x6 posts
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Jay7078090 on Apr 07, 2017
I am not sure what the code Violation is as long as the spacing of the poles is 4" or less then that meets code. I am not sure how you connected the post to the deck structure . I would have notched the deck boards and installed the post to the Floor joist with bolts and also add a simpson post tie to it also to make sure that it was extra strong. That is the only thing that I see that I would have done. I really like the idea I might have painted the piping black maybe but if you wanted it really maintenance free over the years I would have done exactly what you did
M&M Embellishments on Apr 09, 2017Thank you! We drilled out holes on the 6x6's to insert the pipes. I do worry that over time, they might be too difficult to remove if needed. I don't exactly remember now, but I do know we used those simpson ties of some type and used bolts from underneath. As for the black - I was told NOT to but have heard others say that it would have worked. And I think we are in code as far as the distance. People don't like that a toddler could climb up the rails - understandable. Thanks for your response!!
Caryn Jackson on Oct 20, 2019
I am interested in trying this. His have the emt pipes held up? Any rust or bending?
- See 1 previous
M&M Embellishments on Oct 20, 2019
Hi Caryn, we were very nervous about this.We heard different things from different people, that they wouldn't hold up, but it has now been 3 or 4 years, and they still look good. No rust or bending at all!
Caryn Jackson on Oct 20, 2019
Thanks for the quick response! I’ve been nervous too given the less than positive things said about the use of emt outside. I’ve been leaning toward doing it anyway with a “what the heck” but your response has given me lots more confidence. Thank you!!!
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Looks great! How did you get the conduit in between the posts after the posts were already set (I'm assuming the conduit is longer than the opening)? Drill the hole a little bigger on one side so it could slide in from an angle? Does it bend to work it in there?
have you had any rust so far on the EMT tubes?